It’s All Streams Go on our HTML5 streams.  Get the Fully Imploded Experience, complete with lyrics and a chance for you to rate and favorite songs as they Implode, using these players.

Sleeping Giant.  Impending Doom.  For All Eternity.  War Of Ages.   Overcome.  Those Who Fear.   Your Memorial.

All of those bands will be helping Facedown Records celebrate 20 years at Facedown Fest on May 11th, 12th, and 13th, and that is less than 1/3 of the lineup.

Most of these bands play here on The Implosion, and a few of them play on our brother station, http://TheBlast.FM




Lee Humerian’s reign as drummer of Phinehas has lasted from 2008 until the early days of 2017.   Those days come to an end after Saturday night’s concert in Fullerton, California.   Lee and his wife Katie are called to the eastern European country of Ukraine to work in youth missions.   The kids over there will enjoy seeing his hair flying and learn about drumming.  Music is involved in this mission.  You can read about it more here:   Humerian will track the drums on the next Phinehas record.   Lee, you will be missed by The Blast and The Implosion!

THE IMPLOSION is our brand new Christian metal and hardcore radio station, Blasting off at Midnight (USA/Canadian Central Time) on January 1, 2017!

The station is birthed out of our Blastmetal show which had a 6 year run on The Blast, from 2010 to 2016. The Blastmetal show is now retired, but it, and its name, live on…on The Implosion!

Christian metal and hardcore have the most in your face Christian lyrics of any genre of music. This is face-melting stuff, not for the faint of heart!